You talking to me?

You talking to me?
I was laughing at the camera-woman!...

Nepal-September 2007

Nepal-September 2007
Dada, Mamu, Simu and Sajju

Thursday, April 29, 2021

agileefficiency - About Us

 Unfiltered - 

Agile Efficiency is the brainchild of SA and HR. This is our first blogging experience. We believe that the implementation of agile has to be done to gain efficiency. Our blog can serve as a guide to whoever wants it or can also be used as a platform to have meaningful conversations about being agile and being efficient. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

His 90th Birthday

Mandela turned 90 today. The world is praising his achievements. I read an article on the Times magazine and heard his greatest achievement in NPR radio. At 90, he still has that charm and that charisma. Unbelievable. He is DA MAN!
So, what can we learn from his achievements? Obviously, Nepalese politicians have a lot to learn from him. One of his most important decision came when he was the President of South Africa, and that was not to seek presidency for the second term. He followed the path of some of the most successful mid-modern leaders, like George Washington. After Mandela's first term, he just retired and started living in his farm. Now could any of Nepalese leader follow that path? Who ever becomes the first president of Nepal has a lot of responsibility and character to prove that Nepal really deserves to be Republic. Can we get someone like Mandela?
During his imprisonment, Mandela learned a lot on how to deal with enemies. His famous saying "Know your enemies and learn what is their favorite sports" is really impressive. His experience is as important as of Gandhi's if not more. His smile shows his kind heart as well. He said "Appearances matter so remember to smile". Now how many times have we seen that kind nature from any of Nepalese politician?
Mandela's love for children has played important role in fight for children right movement. He loved children as if they were his own. In some of his excerpts, he even goes further to state that children are the most important reason to live for and to work for.
About Leadership and courage, he said that Caurage is not absencce of fear but it is inspiring others to move beyond that fear. We need a lot of inspiration like that in Nepal. Inspiration to be different, inspiration to fight against crime, inspiration to let go and move forward, inspiration to move beyond old school politics, inspiration to punish the war criminals and inspiration to lead the nation.
I hope someday a Nepali Mandela will come along to rescue us from what we are going through...Amen!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Success of Failure

Topic of the day: Failure
We often brag about our success and never discuss about our failure. And I am no different. I have failed, and failed a lot....that is what you define what failure is. For overachievers, failure start right when they cannot stand up from their mistakes. For underachievers, failure start when they start start realizing that their back is against the wall. For people like us who are just the average, there is no such thing called failure, we only have learning curve.

So, what does it really take for us to fail? Worse than that, how to succeed on failing every time? I have struggled enough to just get by, but I fail every day. I fail because I choose the path that is not easy to succeed. I choose path that is not easy to succeed because I fail to choose the easy way. I fail to choose the easy way because I fail to know one. I fail to know one because I fail to acknowledge one. If there was easy way for anything, then why would God make us so complicated, well that is if you do not fail to agree that there is one.

Life these days, can be really hectic. Sometimes we achieve what we want to do but most of the times, we succeed to fail. We try new things, organize things differently, think outside the box and try things those are unconventional to tradition, and we fail. And we Learn. I have excelled on how to fail, and since I openly embrace my failure I have nothing to be ashamed of. I have failed and I have learned. I will fail and I will learn more. Turns out life is nothing but trial and error!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Trying for the first time

I am not technologically challenged, but I have never blogged. I have no excuses for that. I am not world's busiest person, so I cannot say that I really did not have any time. Its not that I do not have anything to write...actually I have a lot everyday.
Actually, Simona (My second half...or shall I say, My BETTER second half) suggested writing a long time ago. Well...who listens to wives right? Just Kidding...never read my blog if I start to suggest on rebelling against your will be in trouble. Since I am in enough trouble, I want to end it. I will be a continuous blogger. You are more than welcome to read my useless mumbling about my daily life and my useless Philosophy on nothing.....WELCOME

Winter in Virgina Beach

Winter in Virgina Beach
Simooooo...Reason for my success!